Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If anyone cares.

If anyone is wondering. My hair is the longest it has been since I was 12 years old. I am now 22...and my hair is way long!

This is not my hair...but I think it would be cool to color it like this. I think I will.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Death By Chicken

Let me tell you this story.

I'm at work, cleaning panini grills. I scrape a steaming hot piece of chicken off the grill; it lands in the small gap in my shoe where the tongue had been shifted slightly. This chicken then burns through my sock (which was fairly thick) and leaves a blister on the top of my foot.

There was little I could do about the damn chicken at the time except scream and try to shake the meat off out of my shoe.

Finally, I was able to go into the back, away from customers, and tend to my wound. I was pissed when I saw the blister.

This scenario provoked the thought that I would never want to be burned to death. However, if someone were to light me on fire, I would rather just die then survive that horror.

The end.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Je suis désolé

That handsome fellow next to me is Reggie.
He means the world to me.
He's my everything.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Our planet is full of beautiful places. Doesn't matter where you are, if you just look out your window you will see something that can amaze you.

A few summers ago, on a drive down to St. George with my family we passed through a part of the state that doesn't have a lot going on. I was bored. I said to my dad, "there's a whole lot of nothing out here, huh?" My dad, being the geologist that he is, said, "This whole area used to be filled with volcanoes, they're all extinct now. Look you can see one over there."

I was amazed. That stretch of road doesn't bore me anymore. Since then I have tried to find beauty where ever I am.

I hope you enjoy your Earth Day. Go spend a day outside! You might be surprised by what you find. Even if it's just a city of bugs. Or a beached starfish

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lessons Learned.

(Dad, Mom, Heather, Josh, Megan, Nick, and Me)
I have learned a lot of valuable things from my parents like how to ride a bike, tie my shoes, read, etc. But some of the lessons I've learned from my siblings are just as valuable. Such as:

~Don't cook gravy in a glass pan over the stove. (Megan)

~Don't use Pledge to clean hardwood floors. (Heather)

~How to do my hair curly and how to braid. (Megan and Heather)

~How to Skip. (Nick)

~The proper way take the screen out of the window and put it back. (Nick)

~How to put someone in an FDH (forever death hold). (Josh)

~It's good to walk to school, even if school is on the other side of the mountains. (Josh)

Brothers and Sisters are fun to have around. I'm glad I was the youngest so that I could learn all kinds of lessons from a lot of different teachers.
(Megan, Heather, and Josh)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Winds Are Changing

Spring is in the air! I love this time of year. At the new year I'm not too motivated to make any resolutions/changes in my life, but the coming of spring gets me all excited about it! I read an article in the Oprah magazine (I know, I'm cool) that said spring is a good time to get rid of all the baggage that has been building up, such as a cruddy job, a lousy friend, or just old clothes. Oprah was in inspiration to me (like she is to everyone, I'm sure). I have been slowly changing things in my life that I'm not happy with. I'm hanging out with the girls more often, I'm climbing more, and I'm eating better. So, what most people do at New Years, I do in the spring.
(for those few followers, did you notice I changed the appearance of my blog?)

Another change that has happened is officially becoming facebook friends with Michelle Johnson.

She is a special girl that loves Zupas. We haven't hung out yet, but she is penciling me in. Michelle is a fun loving person, she enjoys boating, movies, pool, costa rica, cliff jumping, umm.....and Oprah. She is going to marry my brother, who went to costa rica last year.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

California here we come

I have succeeded in getting Dan addicted to The OC. However, I may have created a monster.
We stayed up until 3 watching it. When I was all ready to leave he started another episode, he tried to do this a second time, but I paused it then left him with the disc so he could finish it (I had already watched it). We will be continuing season 1 tonight. we'll see how that goes.