Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Two Weeks!!!!!

Dan's incredibly nice family has offered to take me to Hawaii for Christmas...December 23rd-January 7th! I'm really excited! The farthest from Utah I've been is Canada so this will be cool. Dan and I are both SCUBA certified so we will try to do that out there and also snorkel every single day. I'm excited to get to know his family a little better too, we haven't had many opportunities to bond or get to know each other that well.
I'm sad to be leaving my family for the holidays, but my mom is sending me with a stocking so I have something to open up on Christmas. I hope they have an ok Christmas without me home; I'll make sure to bring them all back something nice.
So I have one final on Friday then this semester is over for me and I can start relaxing. I've been wanting to watch Harry Potter and make some more jewelry, but I've been holding out until the semesters done. I have to get an A! And that being said I should get back to studying.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. I'll make sure to post pictures of my trip.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Study, Study, Stuyd

Yes, i realize that i spelled the last "study" wrong. I decided not to fix it because it sends the message that i want and that is: I'm really tired and stressed and have been studying all day long and my brain doesn't work anymore.
I have a test tomorrow.
I'm really happy that Thanksgiving is in 3 days! I love this holiday. I love the family, the food, the games, and the boys watching football
(I don't care about football, but it's nice someone does).
Here is my list of "Thankfuls":
  • food
  • water
  • Ralphy
  • Dan
  • my family
  • church
  • Darwin
  • Einstein
  • animals
  • school
  • my job :\
  • the earth
  • climbing
  • mountains
  • rope
  • sticky rubber
  • "climb on"
....and much much much more!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cool Cats

My two favorite people (of the past):

Charles Darwin

Albert Einstein

I think I'm done

Ok I think I'm finished messing around with backgrounds, pictures, colors, etc. I'm finally happy with the looks of my looks like "Alyssa" now.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm thankful for Thanksgiving

7 Days until Thanksgiving! It's my favorite holiday and I couldn't wait to write something about it. Here is a little history if anyone forgot.

The First Thanksgiving

The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the
Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter. In that year Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving. The colonists celebrated it as a traditional English harvest feast, to which they invited the local Wampanoag Indians. Days of thanksgiving were celebrated throughout the colonies after fall harvests. All thirteen colonies did not, however, celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time until October 1777. George Washington was the first president to declare the holiday, in 1789.

A New National Holiday

By the mid–1800s, many states observed a Thanksgiving holiday. Meanwhile, the poet and editor Sarah J. Hale had begun lobbying for a national Thanksgiving holiday. During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln, looking for ways to unite the nation, discussed the subject with Hale. In 1863 he gave his Thanksgiving Proclamation, declaring the last Thursday in November a day of thanksgiving. In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt, seeking to lengthen the Christmas shopping season, proclaimed Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. Controversy followed, and Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November, where it remains.

Happy Turkey Day

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Healthy kitten/School

Ralphy is back to his old self again. It's been a long week of force feeding/drinking him, but I'm glad he's doing better. Today he was out with the chickens chasing them around, and jumping in the toilet...he's so facinated with it, it's so weird. He'll get his paws up and just stare at the the toilet water for like 10 min! Crazy kitty.

Anyways, I'm looking into interning at the Univeristy of Minnesota for the summer as a wildlife biologist assistant! I just need to get a couple of "letter of recomendations". Not sure who to ask, but I'm really hoping I get picked. It would be really good for my career. They pay you $225 a week for food, housing, and gas, plus it's a paid internship $10 per hour...hopefully it's not too competetive.

I thought this Bonsai was really pretty.

Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Late.

I think these pictures are cool.
I want to climb as hard as the girl in the first picture. That picture gives me climb and to hopefully give someone else motivation.
The second picture is just neat i guess. It is from (I believe) this season's America's Next Top Model.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Stairway to Heaven

For some reason I really like steps...lots of steps. There is something about them that intrigues me. The older they look, the better. My "header" pic was taken in Park City, Utah. My boyfriend (Dan) and I went up there for a little "stay-cation", I saw the stairs and just had to walk up them. Dan entertained me and we walked all the way up (there are a lot more up above than this picture shows) and all the way down taking pictures as we went.

Documenting the adventure.

Dan doesn't like this one. He thinks he looks like he's trying really hard to be cool.

Anyways, I just wanted to write about this little something that makes my world go round.

Little Ralphy

Ralphy's story starts on a day in August. Dan and I were driving to his work when his mom called. She was in tears telling Dan about a little orange kitten that was starving under the dumpster at Los Hermanos in Pleasant Grove. Dan and I went to investigate, we searched for this kitten for a while. We were about to leave when we found a skinny little kitty under a crate of sorts.

We took the little guy to my house were we got him some food and water. That's all he needed to perk up. He's been a ball of energy ever since. For a while I wasn't sure if I wanted another cat and was considering putting Ralphy on KSL, but as time went on I decided to keep my little buddy.
Ralphy loves people! He loves to run inbetween your legs and make you afraid your going to crush him. He purrs all the time and goes crazy for string! He is afraid of chickens, but has no fear of my two other (much bigger) cats. He's also very curious about the world around him; he loves being outside!
I wish i would have taken more pictures of his adventures while he was healthy...
On Saturday night my brother stepped on Ralphy (he likes to hang out by the front porch at night), he got scared and ran off. I hadn't seen Ralphy all that day or most of Sunday. Around 4 Nick came in holding little Ralph. He was muddy and cold and something about wasn't quite the same.

We took him to the vet since he had something wrong with his bum hole. The vet said it was a prolapsed rectum. I guess the inside tissue of his rectum is inflamed and is getting pushed out his backside. The vet gave us some medicine for parasites and inflammation. Ralphy's been pretty depressed...he doesn't eat or drink and just lays around all day. He can't poop either, it's just all this jelly stuff coming out of him (it's really gross).
It's gotten to the point that I've decided to force feed him. I added water to his wet food so I can give him water and food in one go...and so I can suck it up better in the syringe. He hates it!
His bum isn't getting any better. Yesterday Dan and I took him up to Sundance to get some fresh air. Here are some pictures of his day.

Raphy stalking a mouse. He blended in really well with the weeds.

Me and Ralph were freezing by the end.

I hope he gets feeling better. I don't want
to say goodbye to my little orange buddy.