Our planet is full of beautiful places. Doesn't matter where you are, if you just look out your window you will see something that can amaze you.
A few summers ago, on a drive down to St. George with my family we passed through a part of the state that doesn't have a lot going on. I was bored. I said to my dad, "there's a whole lot of nothing out here, huh?" My dad, being the geologist that he is, said, "This whole area used to be filled with volcanoes, they're all extinct now. Look you can see one over there."
I was amazed. That stretch of road doesn't bore me anymore. Since then I have tried to find beauty where ever I am.
I hope you enjoy your Earth Day. Go spend a day outside! You might be surprised by what you find. Even if it's just a city of bugs. Or a beached starfish

Hey Alyssa I must admit it has been awhile since I have looked at your blog but it is looking pretty cool! I will be following more closely now! hahaha! Have fun in California!