Ralphy is back to his old self again. It's been a long week of force feeding/drinking him, but I'm glad he's doing better. Today he was out with the chickens chasing them around, and jumping in the toilet...he's so facinated with it, it's so weird. He'll get his paws up and just stare at the the toilet water for like 10 min! Crazy kitty.
Anyways, I'm looking into interning at the Univeristy of Minnesota for the summer as a wildlife biologist assistant! I just need to get a couple of "letter of recomendations". Not sure who to ask, but I'm really hoping I get picked. It would be really good for my career. They pay you $225 a week for food, housing, and gas, plus it's a paid internship $10 per hour...hopefully it's not too competetive.
I thought this Bonsai was really pretty.
I hope you get it too. That would be a lot of fun and an awesome experience for you. I'll write a letter of recommendation for you.